Currently a very heated discussion is on in the IITB.general newsgroup here at IIT-Bombay. The topic is somewhat pertaining to the lack of academic and research interest of undergraduate (UG) students (as compared to postgraduate (PG)), and their building interest in extra-curricular activities. Replying to the "IIT-B.Tech-praised-by-press-across-the-world" comment by some UG, one of the professors replied that both the Indian and the US presses are biased and self serving, or serving some kind of big-brother of sorts. These presses want go glorify BTech education in IITs, and not bother about MTech and PhDs, and esp any form of research conducted in IISc, and IITs. Why is it that we never hear about IISc in the Indian Media? Is it cuz it is sub-standard? Think again!
I have put the entire text of the professor's IIT newsgroup posting in this blog entry. Make sure you read the last section about Indian Media, and self-censorship. The posting was titled "Mysterious sedition on part of Indian Press," and
here is the full text.
After reading that, followed by
summaries and excerpts of Manufacturing of Consent, I was put into some deep thought regarding what I personally think are cool in this world. Here are a few questions that I asked myself:
- Why do Star Movies/HBO rarely play non-American movies (with English subtitles) ?
- Same applies to TV series on AXN/StarWorld/etc
- Why do I know the Fifth Ammendment of the US consitution? (courtesy TV series - The Practice)
- Why do I care about Mardi Gras?
- Why am I charmed by NYC so much?
- Why do I understand the American accent better than I understand, say British?
- Whatever happened to Varsha Bhosle and Rajeev Sreenivasan and other columnists of that ilk on
- How come European sites never get listed as frequently on Google's search results as are American sites. Trust me, this is more common than you'd notice, and you wouldn't notice it probably cuz of the what you are reading right now.
- etc. etc.
I do not deny the non-American influence on me, and of course, the native Indian/Kannada/Bangalore/Family influence on me is perhaps the strongest; but the proactive pro-American influence on my thinking, actions, personality and what I spread as my sphere of influence on others, is incredibly high, done subtly and is very effective - startling!!
I really need to rework myself. Never knew that I, as an individual, had a ghost of an elder brother.
Labels: india